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Jesus Had HIV, A review 2011

"Provocation" Jesus had HIV, 2010

" Provocation is a work made in response to the words of Pastor Xola Skosana In South Africa. He made this statement to de-stigmatise those who are affected by HIV and AIDS, This work aims to bring these issues to light within the Art consuming community. Jesus did indeed suffer for our existence and he also loves each and every one of us despite our status.

The Artists views on religion are; that it has a strong influence upon many cultures and communities and it can bring forth strong feelings and debates despite ones belief. The artist himself is non-religious and believes that there may or may not have been some fictitious man called Jesus, However the power to Provocate using Religious symbology, text or references has the power to make humanity consider the way it treats each other. Which is one of the over riding intentions of this young Artist.

Andreas Serrano created " Piss christ " a photograph of Jesus on the cross in Urine, and in 1998" Serrano told the alternative culture magazine Les Inrockuptibles that it was not anti-Christian. "The idea was more to humanise the figure of Christ. My goal in the end is to make beautiful objects from unorthodox materials," he said at the time. "But I was a bit naïve. I didn't expect such reactions. I was surprised by the hatred that it caused." ( Reference Art Info )  and the same goes for Paul Chisholm's work his intentions are not to offend but to humanise the stigma involved by being HIV positive. However this statement and Art work will offend in a world where peoples religious views and opinions cause more hatred and suffering than any other agenda.

 Religion is a subject which is as prevalent in contemporary Art as it was in the past, but with one great step removed artists no longer rely on the church for their Bread and butter, artists are free to make statements which can incite change in both society and the Religious communities. HIV is not a virus that should be stigmatised it should be a virus which is understood to affect or infect us all.



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